So it turns out my friend couldn't make it. Her train was cancelled. Stupid snow! I really did want to see her one more time before I leave for the states. Its going to be some more time before I will be able to come to Scotland or the UK any time soon so that sucks.
The entire morning and most of the afternoon I was freaking over the point that I paid for these two tickets and now I didn't know if I would be able to get in without them. I tried calling, e-mailing, and reading all the different FAQs that the website had. No luck. Finally I gave up and I thought I'll just go with the confirmation that I paid for them. At the last second I realized that I bought two tickets and if it works that I get in then I would have paid for one for nothing. I then invited my friend Iveta to come along. She had been saying she really wanted to see Jared Leto so I thought she would appreciate this. She jumped at the chance to come with me. I had already agreed to go with another girl and we set out for the concert. the buses in Aberdeen are working really slow. It turns out that these few girls were waiting for the number 2 (the number bus we wanted) to take them wherever for thirty minutes. We actually walked part of the way before we actually caught the number 1 which is the same direction of the number 2. Actually had no idea what the Aberdeen Exhibition Conference Center looked like but we just followed the crowd till we did find it.

I love Scotland hospitality more than ever now. I don't know if this statement is true but I bet if your tickets were stuck four hours away because of bad weather in the states you were SOL. It took five minutes for the clerk behind the desk to check with his superiors and then print out a new copy of tickets. I bet there were a lot of people though who couldn't come because of everything getting stopped (I don't even understand why everything is being stopped. It's not that bad!) Even the band had some problems getting to Aberdeen.
I was so worried about being able to go that I had psyched myself out. I really thought I wouldn't get in. Guess what I did then? I forgot my camera. Good thing the other girl brought her camera and we used hers.
The opening acts started on time! I was surprised by that. There were only two opening acts which were really good. I didn't listen to their music before but I will change that now. I just have to remember what their names were. Shakira (I think) and something to do with Funeral Party. We actually got pretty close for Shakira. Big mistake. It's a rock concert. Need I say more? Mosh pits were going on and we had the bad luck to keep being near one. We finally fought our way to the back or middle back. I was surprised by the amount of older people but I think they were there for the kids less then fourteen... yeah less then fourteen (like ten or twelve). At the back were the more mature (or mellower) people with drinks in their hands. That was preferable.
The music was great. The lead singer got the audience involved. His singing was incredible! Granted he can't do the all the screaming parts in the concert because then he would loose his voice or he might not be able to hit the other notes right. That was fine. Like I said he got the audience involved and had them sing most parts. He even had people on stage with the band. Now I wish I was in the front.
Iveta, the other girl, and I have a debate on weather he had blue hair or green. I say blue. They say green.
I was intending that Iveta would pay for her ticket but she seems so happy that she got to see 30 seconds to Mars for free and I'm now her new religion (her words) that I really can't bust her bubble. Besides it's not that big of a deal. I am just so happy that I got to go and that she appreciates being able to go as well.
We walked back instead of trying for a bus. They weren't late. They were just packed!
We split up from the other girl (I'm trying not to use names anymore but with people I have already given names for). Iveta and I then grabbed Lisa and then went to the Christmas party at the watering hole. Not so much fun but it had highlights. Good songs were played, I was finally able to get a drink, and we met up with other friends.
Check out their songs. I don't want to be advertising but I just want to give you the atmosphere of the concert.