It is not all fun and games over here in Aberdeen. I do have courses that I have to keep up with. This Monday the lectures began for at least two of my courses. I will give you a full update of this week on Saturday or Sunday. It seems I have a lot of reading to do. I mean I have a lot of reading. Whatever I thought I knew about International Relations, I quickly forgot and need to remember for International Security. I also know nothing about Celtic History so I have to start reading all that information. Don't get me started on French. Three words, fit Lithuanian guy! I am hopeless, I know.
Catch up with ya later....
Instead of deleting what I wrote on last Tuesday, I am just going to continue on right here.
I never was good at writing down things in a journal. I had the momentum for the first weeks but I've gotten out of the habit again. What I type here will be the first time I've put down these thoughts though during the week I think of little things that I want to say. My apologizes then. I also am trying to shorten some of this up.
Monday 9/27/2010
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Lisa and I at Oktoberfest |
I was nervous for the first day of classes. I should just say my first course. Monday I have only one and it is at 2pm. That's a nice little set up. This was my International Security (IR3001) class.The entire time the instructer went over the course guide (every little thing but it was to make sure we got the picture). She also spent a good portion trying to talk students into switching their courses from hers to the Democracy class. I swear she was trying to frighten everyone. It worked on me. Well at least the first 45 minutes. I finally realized though that the essay that she says is going to be so hard, the presentation that we do with a group, and the reading that we are supposed to keep up with is just like the Ethics course I took this summer. Of course the Ethics course didn't put such an emphasis on the exam. The final exam is 60% of your grade over here. Oh yipee! Good thing I've never had problems with taking tests.
First InterSoc meeting
First time in the Queen Mother Library: Funny story about that. I went looking for a book that was going to be required reading for the class I had at 2pm. I was lucky to find the right area and then I had to use my great skills to search for the number. This other girl thought that I looked like I knew what I was doing, (ha! I was following the signs) and then asked me to help her find what she was looking for. Like I said this was my first time. It took a little looking (and luckily it was on the floor we were on since at the time I didn't know there was actually more then 2 floors) but I was able to find her book in a different section then she started in. I found it funny at least.
First Romans, Celts, Druids, and Warriors (CE1031)
Just IR3001
no class, spent time in library: One step forward, One step back for my confidence. Listen to my library skills now. I had the author on my course guide. It was Gary, Collins. Last name first right? Well I went looking for the article that was xeroxed off in the Heavy Demand section of the library. I looked for Collins Gary and when I couldn't find it (shocker) I went to the aide. The person at the front desk was like 'well here in the UK it's last name first'. I wanted to say 'yeah well we do that in the states too, I'm just an idiot'.
Malt Whiskey Society
Gained my French 1019 tutorials and lectures
Falling asleep in CE1031 because the Lecturer just has that kind of voice that would put anyone to sleep. Plus all the reading I did to catch up had me knowing more then what he was trying to stutter along (I am not nice but really a Uni lecturer should have the ability to give a lecture that doesn't sound like he is learning along side us).
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Amandine and I |
Oktoberfest! We went to the Tunnels for the InterSoc Oktoberfest. It was noisy, packed, and there were a lot of different languages circling the area. Loved it! I couldn't take more then a two hours though and Lisa and I left the place on the Night bus. Craved some Chips or Fries in the states (I am going to start calling them chips so better get used to it). I was feeling brave so I got them with cheese. It wasn't good cheese and regreted that. Lisa and I sat in the kitchen and just talked till 1 am.
My final acceptance of those who are homesick: With my birthday came a realization. You ever hear the saying that when you travel abroad then you can understand others who become homesick. I always thought of this as fallacy because I only got irritated by those who were homesick. I finally must have figured it out though. I can understand those who get homesick or at least why they do.
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Oktoberfest! I was the tallest but I scrunched down. |
If you think that I am saying I never get homesick that is wrong as well. I do get the occasional bout of homesickness. I realized though why I feel less homesick here. First, I don't have the problem of trying to understand another language. I can always bump into someone from the states. Second, I have lived before in dorm and I can easily make it feel like my haven or safe place. And Third, I know that this is going to be only three months.
Watering Hole: had some drinks with the new group of people I met at the InterSoc meeting. Had some chips and this time without the cheese which was a lot better. Went back to the hall at 1 when the bar closed (what on earth is that? closing so early) had a few more drinks with Lisa in the kitchen again as we talked about everything.