I didn't write this down first so pardon if this is even more messy then previous posts.
Another fire alarm at 1 in the morning. That is just great. I should be taking that as a sign that I am not supposed to be sleeping but partying it up outside. On that front, I figure I want more friends to go out with from my classes and the societies that I will end up joining. I like all the girls in my halls but I don't know if I would actually party with them. I don't know them all that well as yet and I really don't want to get in trouble.
I had my meeting with my advisor at 9am and now I have signed up officially for classes. It turns out that my advisor will be teaching one of my classes, called International Securities. That's going to be nice since I think he is going to be a great professor to learn from. He is Dr. Andrea Teti. Yep, I am shamed to say I assumed that meant my advisor was going to be a woman. Good thing I was introduced to him by Gemma Ritchie, international programme assistant, otherwise I would have walked right past him.
My classes seem to be so far the International Securities; Celts, Romans, Druids, and Warriors; and Basic French. I am only worrying about this being too light of a course work for my major back home. I've already e-mailed the people in charge so I am just waiting for a reply. I was hoping that the timetable for these courses would be that I wouldn't have Monday or at least Friday classes. It looks like I will have at least one course for both days. Dang. The main thing to point out that other than going to the tutorials, lectures, and all that jazz there really isn't much homework. There are assessments or what not to see if you will be needing help but it isn't what the usual way is. Aberdeen wants you to be responsible to know what you are learning so its up to me to put the time in to do the reading and testing myself. yahoo!
After my advising, I registered. I swear I was waiting for an hour and a half and I was second in line. There just were a lot of bugs to work out with the system. I had everything copied and ready at least so my part was successful. I was supposed to pick up my student id card but since my photo that I had tried to upload several weeks ago wasn't approved (and I didn't know that it didn't) I have to wait two to three days to pick it up. That's just fine. I don't really need it as of yet.
Once that was all finished, I went to the sports fayre. This just means there are a lot of sports clubs that want people to join. I don't know why I went since I really am not interested in sports though water hockey, or octopush, looks tempting. There were a lot of actual dance/drinking clubs and bars at the fayre as well. I love that about this uni already. It encourages drinking... okay safe drinking.
I went back to my room after the fayre. I met up with a few girls in my hall, all of which are from Scotland, and we all had a good laugh at my hearing. Here is the conversation from my point:
"I'm just cooking some chicken dimples" I smile as the girl from the Glasgow area points to the stove and just assume she is cooking something with chicken.
the other girl, who is from Edinburgh, "you didn't understand her did you?"
"I understood she is cooking something with chicken"
She repeats the word two more times, I still hear "dimples"
"oh maybe you call them chicken nuggets" says the girl from Edinburgh
"ah yes now I understand" I then proceed to say what I heard and they crack up laughing
Turns out the word I was hearing was "dippers". After that we went and watched Taken.
Now I said that I was going to go to a Ceilidh. Well I walked the long way into toon at the time set. Turns out that it is going to be Thursday and not on Tuesday. Bah! Well I'll tell you everything about what happened on Wednesday, tomorrow. Sorry no pictures again.
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