24 October, 2010

St. Andrews

 Like I said I'm already too long at the computer so I'm just going to post some pictures and the background will come later.

29/11/2010 Well that was last week already but I thought I would get on this. Yep on my Friday night before Halloween. More on that later though. As it was the St.Andrews trip was organized by the Inter Soc. This time there wasn't as many hitches. I don't understand why they would think this wouldn't be popular to see. Yes the castle was in ruins but so was the one at Loch Ness. Yes the city was smaller then Aberdeen but it had flavor and history.
 We split up again at the castle. Amadine and I were one group. Kelly and Delphine were the other. I wish I could say something but I will hold back in case people mentioned actually take the time to read this. I don't want to insult.
  There is not really much to say or, perhaps, I just don't want to say all that much. The photos really say a lot. At least the captions under them does. We had a lot of time at the castle. This ended up biting me in the *blep*. I mean I spent £20 on souvenirs. Well at least that is just that much less that I have to buy later. Then we spent 1 1/2 hours walking about St. Andrews. Our tour guide didn't get the concept of waiting for students to catch up so if you were not in front you missed what she had to say about the particular site that she was showing us. She also didn't talk loud. Though what I did hear, I noticed she had a dry sense of humor. I liked it.

Oh there was a wedding going on at the church. Turns out there were two. The people I was with said they thought the second one more pretty. I thought that was entirely harsh. These were my thoughts "It's the woman's bloody wedding day! Say she looks nice and don't compare her to the thin blonde who gets married after her." Of course I didn't say it (or a nicer version) because I have found my opinion by one of the girls is not welcomed if it disagrees with hers. cut
  The tour visited the crumbling ruins of the St. Andrews Cathedral which would have been impressive if the religious nuts don't burn down everything because it doesn't belong to their own religion. Bah.
  We ended the tour on the green of St. Andrews golf course. That's the bridge photo on bottom. Should I have mentioned it before of what St. Andrews is mostly known for? Which would be either the golf pedigree and the university? Probably, but these interested me vera little. I'm not a golf fan and I'm already at a beautiful uni that has a long history.
Another graveyard :P
  Now the planning went screwy. They gave us three hours to ourselves. I actually would have rather have gone back. Well maybe an hour since then that gave us enough time to get the St. Andrews ice cream. Well famous since I heard nearly everyone on the bus mentioning friends telling them to visit it. Hmmm. It's worth it.

After St. Andrews went back to my dorm. I actually read two articles on the bus. I'm so proud of myself for that. Nearly put me to sleep. Oh wait, I did at one point. After my nap I was wide awake and I hung out with the Scottish girls in my hall. Ah... I didn't much contribute to the conversation but I just love listening to the accents. Authentic accents that I came to Scotland to hear! To those who thought I came for an actual education, 'more fool you'.

Oh this is by far my best photo! it's the back wall of St. Andrews Castle
corner tower of St. Andres.
Amadine and I goofing off

I just liked the building

It was vera windy and cold but at least it was sunny

the shoals

tour guide of St. Andrews
the last main tower of the St. Andrews Cathedral

the inside of the cathedral ruins

Golfer fans? this is some kind of famous bridge on the St. Andrews greens. Jack Nicolson I think had a pic waving on it.

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