As this blog has nearly run it's course I thought to finally comment on the fact that I am in Lithuania now. I will post more on the actual goings on or update everything later.
I've been here since Monday and it has been great. I missed everyone. I missed the language, the food, the culture, and etc. I don't know what it was that I missed the most because I really can't put my finger on it. Maybe it was the fact that I am in this country that is so special to me. Anyways it's Christmas Eve and Rima is making the famous dinner for tonight. It should be amazing. Yesterday I had a TV interview for the local news. That was scary. I was allowed to speak in English which is what I did. Then they had me talking to my host brother for a little bit. Don't know what they are going to use. I don't want to see what I looked like. I also forgot to mention the Rotary club. The lady asked though what I found different between Lithuania and America. May I ask this question in response, why does everyone make a big deal about being American or being some other country? People are people. They have their ups, downs, and sideways moods and behaviors. That is what I said basically. That is what I have found. I can say that people are less friendly in the stores or on the street to strangers or I can say people in the states feel like they are always happy. It's not true! People in the states are cruel to strangers in the store and there are Lithuanians who are always happy. The idea that people are different because of where they live is a load of s@#!. (though I am guilty of saying that when I talk about Scottish people)
Well Merry Christmas or Linkimu Kaledu. I'll talk more when I get back to the states. Fingers crossed that the snow will let up enough for this to happen according to plans.
24 December, 2010
18 December, 2010
I'm not a happy camper. I was to be on my Lithuania trip by now but the snow has put everything on hold again. This should mean now that I won't be going to Lithuania till Monday now. I'm off to catch a few Z's. I got one hour of sleep and then I was standing in a queue for five hours. To say the least I am tired. Check out the recent news in the attached link.
17 December, 2010
17/12/2010 Busy Times and the last days
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four good friends out on the town |
Like I said before, It doesn't look like I am going to be able to update anything. This week has been packed. It has been fun. I said goodbye to friends today. Tomorrow I head back to Lithuania for nine days. Most likely I will get the chance to update all this during that time. It will be good to be back and I will be able to relax with my host family for Christmas. At least my host brother is excited to see me as he posted on my facebook. I'm mega happy! I'm also super sad. I really don't want to leave. I have felt like this is home. I have felt like I am comfortable. Of course it would have been better to have a job while over here but that's water under the bridge. I still have to pack everything and tonight I'm not going to sleep because really I leave at 3 in the morning so there is no point. I will sleep on the plane...
Love everyone! I miss everyone and now I have more friends to miss here in Aberdeen and around the world... I really hate saying goodbyes! I think I'm off to have a good cry because I don't want to leave.
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doesn't she look innocent |
13 December, 2010
What a trip! I'm absolutely happy that I got to go before I leave for good from Scotland. I don'thave all the time right now to post what I did but I do have a little time to post a few pics. I apologize for that... I guess it just means I'm following the same vein that I've done for all my trips... I've written everything down though so do not worry about me missing something. You will just have to wait for the full update is all.
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Frankenstein Club |
From Edinburgh Castle |
10 December, 2010
The snow is melting!
To all those who are still reading my blog. The Christmas season is coming, or it could be here. There is only two weeks left before I will be back home on the 27th. Before that happens my time here in Aberdeen and then in Lithuania is going to be packed. It's going to be very busy so I hope that I will be able to come back on this blog to tell you everything but it is going to be hard. This weekend I'm going to Edinburgh (hopefully). If I don't go I will update you but at the moment that is the plan. Monday I'm going to a pantomime of Peter Pan. Tuesday I have coerced my friends to go to a Ceilidh. Wednesday will have me at the last whiskey tasting of the year... Thursday we are going out to dinner at the Brig O' Don, going to the Bobbin for the last Acoustic Night, and then a club (hopefully). I only have a essay that I have to finish sometime during that and a last oral exam in French on Wednesday. I'm sure there will be enough time.
Saturday I fly to Vilnius to see my host family for Christmas. I miss them so much and I can't wait. I keep dreaming about them.
I just thought I would mention the media in Scotland or the UK. First off, who heard of Prince William's engagement with Kate? I know this is old news. I mention it now because of how much they made a big deal of him giving her Di's ring. I think it sweet that he wants his mother to be apart of the whole thing. I mean they were really making him out as a bad person and that this ring should be forever memorized for his mum. Oh please. It gets worse though. There are books out about the Royal wedding and I swear I saw souvenirs already out. Perhaps it's the American in me but do you not think this is just a tad early? I really hope the Royals are getting money from the press and books. Apparently they need it.
One other aspect that has been in the papers... a lot, is that of x-factor. It's x-factor this or x-factor that. I had to watch a few episodes online to just see what it was all about. I mean really!? It's reality TV, there is so much drama it has to be staged, and some of these singers are just awful. However, I can't stop watching. Every time I go on YouTube I'm faced with the x-factor clips and I just click on them. Also, just because I've fallen into the black-hole of x-factor does not mean that others in Scotland has done the same thing. Other can resist the horrible-ness that is this creation of Simon Cowell's.
Saturday I fly to Vilnius to see my host family for Christmas. I miss them so much and I can't wait. I keep dreaming about them.
I just thought I would mention the media in Scotland or the UK. First off, who heard of Prince William's engagement with Kate? I know this is old news. I mention it now because of how much they made a big deal of him giving her Di's ring. I think it sweet that he wants his mother to be apart of the whole thing. I mean they were really making him out as a bad person and that this ring should be forever memorized for his mum. Oh please. It gets worse though. There are books out about the Royal wedding and I swear I saw souvenirs already out. Perhaps it's the American in me but do you not think this is just a tad early? I really hope the Royals are getting money from the press and books. Apparently they need it.
One other aspect that has been in the papers... a lot, is that of x-factor. It's x-factor this or x-factor that. I had to watch a few episodes online to just see what it was all about. I mean really!? It's reality TV, there is so much drama it has to be staged, and some of these singers are just awful. However, I can't stop watching. Every time I go on YouTube I'm faced with the x-factor clips and I just click on them. Also, just because I've fallen into the black-hole of x-factor does not mean that others in Scotland has done the same thing. Other can resist the horrible-ness that is this creation of Simon Cowell's.
04 December, 2010
30 seconds to MARS!!!

The entire morning and most of the afternoon I was freaking over the point that I paid for these two tickets and now I didn't know if I would be able to get in without them. I tried calling, e-mailing, and reading all the different FAQs that the website had. No luck. Finally I gave up and I thought I'll just go with the confirmation that I paid for them. At the last second I realized that I bought two tickets and if it works that I get in then I would have paid for one for nothing. I then invited my friend Iveta to come along. She had been saying she really wanted to see Jared Leto so I thought she would appreciate this. She jumped at the chance to come with me. I had already agreed to go with another girl and we set out for the concert. the buses in Aberdeen are working really slow. It turns out that these few girls were waiting for the number 2 (the number bus we wanted) to take them wherever for thirty minutes. We actually walked part of the way before we actually caught the number 1 which is the same direction of the number 2. Actually had no idea what the Aberdeen Exhibition Conference Center looked like but we just followed the crowd till we did find it.
I love Scotland hospitality more than ever now. I don't know if this statement is true but I bet if your tickets were stuck four hours away because of bad weather in the states you were SOL. It took five minutes for the clerk behind the desk to check with his superiors and then print out a new copy of tickets. I bet there were a lot of people though who couldn't come because of everything getting stopped (I don't even understand why everything is being stopped. It's not that bad!) Even the band had some problems getting to Aberdeen.
I was so worried about being able to go that I had psyched myself out. I really thought I wouldn't get in. Guess what I did then? I forgot my camera. Good thing the other girl brought her camera and we used hers.
The opening acts started on time! I was surprised by that. There were only two opening acts which were really good. I didn't listen to their music before but I will change that now. I just have to remember what their names were. Shakira (I think) and something to do with Funeral Party. We actually got pretty close for Shakira. Big mistake. It's a rock concert. Need I say more? Mosh pits were going on and we had the bad luck to keep being near one. We finally fought our way to the back or middle back. I was surprised by the amount of older people but I think they were there for the kids less then fourteen... yeah less then fourteen (like ten or twelve). At the back were the more mature (or mellower) people with drinks in their hands. That was preferable.
The music was great. The lead singer got the audience involved. His singing was incredible! Granted he can't do the all the screaming parts in the concert because then he would loose his voice or he might not be able to hit the other notes right. That was fine. Like I said he got the audience involved and had them sing most parts. He even had people on stage with the band. Now I wish I was in the front.
Iveta, the other girl, and I have a debate on weather he had blue hair or green. I say blue. They say green.
I was intending that Iveta would pay for her ticket but she seems so happy that she got to see 30 seconds to Mars for free and I'm now her new religion (her words) that I really can't bust her bubble. Besides it's not that big of a deal. I am just so happy that I got to go and that she appreciates being able to go as well.
We walked back instead of trying for a bus. They weren't late. They were just packed!
We split up from the other girl (I'm trying not to use names anymore but with people I have already given names for). Iveta and I then grabbed Lisa and then went to the Christmas party at the watering hole. Not so much fun but it had highlights. Good songs were played, I was finally able to get a drink, and we met up with other friends.
Check out their songs. I don't want to be advertising but I just want to give you the atmosphere of the concert.
01 December, 2010
Snow, Snow!
I'm not about to complain about snow. I've lived with it my entire life. However, if this mind-bogging sight cancels 30 seconds to Mars concert or my friend can't come up from Newcastle. I might have a different mind set. Read the following link to see what is being put up with in the UK (in Aberdeen it's a lot less to deal with. Apparently this is surprising.)
Why couldn't I have classes canceled this week? I mean RGU, the other university in Aberdeen had snowdays so why didn't we? Or the other way around, why couldn't they go to class. I have mixed feelings on the fact that there is less snow here that there would be a snow day for Aberdeen Uni. 30 Seconds to Mars better be coming still. Better yet my B should be coming. Miss her bunches... plus she has my tickets :P She knows I appreciate her.
Why couldn't I have classes canceled this week? I mean RGU, the other university in Aberdeen had snowdays so why didn't we? Or the other way around, why couldn't they go to class. I have mixed feelings on the fact that there is less snow here that there would be a snow day for Aberdeen Uni. 30 Seconds to Mars better be coming still. Better yet my B should be coming. Miss her bunches... plus she has my tickets :P She knows I appreciate her.
30 November, 2010
Random Mix
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No Snow! old photo by Iveta |
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cemetary in Aberdeen (Iveta) |
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Scottish Unicorn outside King's College |
"Sign-on's or admittance in the morning to class is for those who are not EU. It's to keep tabs on these students, Immigration being Securitized." Andrea Teti. I thought that was a relevant.
St. Andrews Day! 29/10/2010
27 November, 2010
It will begin with pictures since I have no time tonight to type. I'm going out in ten minutes.30/11/2010
I had time to do this Sunday but I didn't feel like it. I should really catch up now.
This was another one of those trips with InterSoc. They only had one bus so it was a mad dash to get the tickets the last Monday. It was well planned though. I think they got the hang of trips after the first few failures (here's your biscuit). The bus left at 7.45 in the morning. I knew that was going to cause some trouble for some students who got used to the 8.00 in the morning. Sure enough we had to wait an extra 10 minutes for two students who were late. That's not important though.
Museum |
this is the fireplace I want |
This time I had a book that I borrowed from Lisa. It was A study of Scarlet. You had an expert from it in a prior post. I thought it was interesting. Unfortunately it wasn't long enough. There was two parts to it. I finished the first part on the way there and on the way back I finished the second part. I had plenty of time after finishing both parts that I was falling asleep. Dang it. Nearly made it.
The first place we visited was the Kelvingrove Art Gallery and Museum in Glasgow. I loved it. It was free to the public as well so it's totally worth going if you get the chance. There was all kinds of exhibits for everyone. There were statues, paintings, cultural, and stuffed animals (or the technical word that I can't remember).
After two hours in the museum we drove over to the cathedral and the necropolis (city of the dead... really). We were a little worried that we wouldn't get to see anything in the cathedral since a wedding was going on. There were kilts and a bagpipe! I'm ashamed that I took a picture of this random wedding, but it is worth it. To make it better at least I wasn't taking a picture of the actual ceremony. It was outside the doors as they were all lining up for the wedding. Random thing I noticed, the bride goes first not last.
I would have loved spending more time in the cemetery. I wanted to walk all the way to the top at least but I was with other people and feet were cold. What are you wearing tennis shoes for in winter? Why am I complaining even? cut Anyways, I got some really good pictures and i wish I could show you them all. Of course I have so many photos of cemeteries you might be thinking I have a problem soon (I think I said that earlier).After two hours in the museum we drove over to the cathedral and the necropolis (city of the dead... really). We were a little worried that we wouldn't get to see anything in the cathedral since a wedding was going on. There were kilts and a bagpipe! I'm ashamed that I took a picture of this random wedding, but it is worth it. To make it better at least I wasn't taking a picture of the actual ceremony. It was outside the doors as they were all lining up for the wedding. Random thing I noticed, the bride goes first not last.
We still had some time so we checked out the city of Glasgow after this. I wanted to get to the mall that has (supposedly) the largest glass roof in Europe. That's what it said on the flyer. We couldn't really find it but we found another mall. They wouldn't let us take a picture inside. Let me say one thing... It was packed! Way too many people. I never could live in Glasgow. The amount of people on the street and in the mall was incredible.
We spent some fifteen minutes getting food and on our way back we found a mini carnival. It would have been fun if we had more time to go on one of the rides but we ran out of time.
That's all there was. There were a few complaining that it would have been cheaper for them to buy a megabus ticket to see Glasgow and then be able to spend the entire night there. I prefer just going with InterSoc, where I don't have to really think on getting there and back. yeah I wish I would have been more free but I had a great time seeing everything. cut
My face is funny but I'm next to a painting |
random statue... Glasgow is littered with them |
Cathedral |
necropolis (love my boots!) |
"It's elementary"
"I consider that a man's brain originally is like a little empty attic, and you have to stock it with such furniture as you choose. A fool takes in all the lumber of every sort that he comes across, so that the knowledge which might be useful to him gets crowded out, or at best is jumbled up with a lot of other things, so that he has a difficulty in laying his hands upon it. Now the skillful workman is very careful indeed as to what he takes into his brain-attic. He will have nothing but the tools which may help him in doing his work, but of these he has a large assortment, and all in the most perfect order. It is a mistake to think that that little room has elastic walls and can distend to any extent. Depend upon it there comes a time when for every addition of knowledge you forget something that you knew before. It is of the highest importance therefore, not to have useless facts elbowing out the useful ones."
-Sherlock Holmes in "A Study in Scarlet" by Arthur Conan Doyle
I read this entire book on my way to Glasgow and I thought this exert enlightening. I thought I would share it while I remembered. I borrowed the book from Lisa and I am glad I had it. I wish it were longer so as that I didn't finish it and then fall asleep on the bus.
-Sherlock Holmes in "A Study in Scarlet" by Arthur Conan Doyle
I read this entire book on my way to Glasgow and I thought this exert enlightening. I thought I would share it while I remembered. I borrowed the book from Lisa and I am glad I had it. I wish it were longer so as that I didn't finish it and then fall asleep on the bus.
26 November, 2010
Condensed week
My week hasn't been as eventful as usual. Perhaps it was but I've already forgotten most of it. I did not write anything down in my journal so most of this is what I can remember. I'm trying to catch up since tomorrow I'm going to Glasgow (booyah baby!). Most of my weekend was taken up with trying to get my work done. Except for a few hours at night time. It seems I've created monsters of my friends. I taught them how to play BS and now we play it almost every night. I suck at BS but it's great to try and screw with the two who are always constantly winning. Me? Spiteful? Never.
Tuesday dream
Tuesday dream
Tuesday I was talking to a lot of my friends and family. Big mistake! I loved hearing from you all but I had the most awful dream that night. I still remember it because it really freaked me out. Basically I packed my clothes and went home without saying goodbye to any of my friends here. The dream was so real that I really felt like I was with my family. When in the dream it became the 18th I became panicked because that is when my ticket for Lithuania is, except for I'm flying out of Aberdeen with it. I was stuck in the states trying to get last minute plans to get back to Aberdeen. This is when in my dream I'm like... "no this is a dream, I wouldn't leave all my souvenirs, jewelry, and makeup in Aberdeen before I even travel to Lithuania" but in the dream I was convinced I wasn't dreaming but just acting crazy. About the time my beloved brother agreed to buy me a ticket to get back to Aberdeen I woke up for real. It took me a few moments to feel right. I really hate dreams like that. They are not pretty and my day is pretty messed up.
I couldn't let it get in my way. Wednesday was the big plan to see Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows with my friends Lisa and Amandine. I had missed the premier so there was no way I was missing it on Wednesday. For some reason though I felt sick all day (dream or food-poisoning) I don't know. I skipped my french Tutorial for the first time. When you are walking and you keep thinking to yourself that you don't want to puke here then it's time to lay down. So that is what I did. I laid down and slept for five hours till I got up for the movie. Yeah my priorities are great. I still felt like shit but I loved the movie and it was well worth the pain... At least I didn't throw up.
Most of our hall and a few friends went outside and made snowmen. We also had a small snowball fight. I avoided it till the end. It was fun. I will post the pics as soon as Lisa and Amanda post them. Some jerk smashed the snowmen in only an hour after we made it though.
I also made a Thanksgiving Dinner.... sort of. I made green bean casserole, which I messed up because I bought cream of chicken and not cream of mushroom. I had mashed potatoes and gravy. Also I had sliced turkey from the store (no, I was not about to cook a turkey). I made enough for everyone but only one girl tried the casserole. The others didn't want to. I don't blame them. I wouldn't trust my cooking skills either. We had dinner together so that was all that mattered.
Oh and Iveta finally told the Spanish people that they had to be more respectful for others in the kitchen. Whether they listen is another thing.
The Union Square sign |
I skipped two classes of my Romans, Celts, Druids, Warriors, so it's only fair that the one time I do show up the Teacher then skips it. We all waited 20 minutes before leaving.
Iveta wanted to go shopping so down to the Union Center I went again. I am glad we did for we caught a International Market going on. It was wonderful! I didn't buy anything but the smells and different stalls were nice to smell and see. We then hit Primark, which is a really cheap store with nice clothes. I had to buy gloves since I lost one of mine. Definitely need a pair of those in this chilly weather.
Snow on the 'laying student' |
Snow in King's Courtyard |
Graduation day... I wonder about why some had light purple and others have light green? |
International Market Fruit Stall |
Dinner with a Scottish Family
I'm back. I should have come back to this nearly on Wednesday but I've been avoiding the trek to the computer lab. I am going to break this up though.
I will suggest to any of the students coming over to Aberdeen that you join Radiate. You don't need to be religious but when you can get away from the student life and to experience a more adult culture.
It's blurry and it's a random church I saw along my wandering |
Last Friday the 19th, I had dinner with a lovely family in Aberdeen. They were more on the outskirts so it took me a bit to get over to their place. it was only an hour or so on the bus. Since I didn't know how long I was supposed to ride on the second bus (that I've never been on before) I got off too early. I walked for a bit before I asked a shop clerk how much farther it was. Turned out I got off way too early so I got back on the same bus (good thing I had a day pass) and rode it for another ten minutes. I gave the lady of the house a ring to tell her I was outside a inn she told me to wait at and they came to pick me up. Mind you, I've never met this family before. We were hooked up through the Radiate program here in Aberdeen, which is a mass of religions under one name that is for the students of Aberdeen (Aberdeen Uni as well as RGU).
We hit it off nicely. I was introduced and we started talking right away. They were a older couple and they had just returned from their second place in France (that is why it took so long for me to have dinner with them).
May I say first off, they have two Siamese cats! or Burmese I don't know the difference. They were well-behaved beautiful cats and I was in absolute heaven.They also have a great Dane or some other big dog like that. I miss my animals more then anything and I miss my cat more then that. Yeah I know I'm slightly mental.
We had a lot to talk about in which case I'm not going to regale you with everything. It's the usual conversations but it got deep when I told them about my topic for my IR essay (To have the euro or not to have the euro?). They were a family that was well-off. I was afraid that I was going to dump my red wine on their immaculate floor. They also had beautiful paintings done by a famous painter who has even done the queens portrait. The place setting for dinner had the etiquette cutlery you see for fancy dinners (thank goodness for my small experience with it). Yeah like I said they are well-off.
So the food was amazing (barbecued chicken, tatties, Greek salad, peas, fried mushrooms), the conversation was wonderful, the animals were cuddly, the wine was delicious, and the couple were good-humored. It was the best three hours. I loved every minute.
17 November, 2010
Remberence Day 14/11/2010
By chance did you see any UK news during this week or weekend? The Harry Potter premier? Do you see the poppy they all wear? That is for the support of the soliders of the UK. On this day there though there is a parade in many of the major cities. This was the parade in Aberdeen. Iveta and I absolutely loved it. Our friend is in the pipe band so there was no way I was going to miss this. I had dragged Iveta out an hour too early for it. She punished me by making me make her a cup of tea and buy her some chocolate to share after we got back.
I've been told my posts are getting too long with all the random thoughts I have. I apologize for that. I'll try to break it up a bit from now on.
One last thought though is that I'm not going to Isle of Skye. I'm vera disappointed on that but it can't be helped since that weekend will be better for a cheaper trip to Glasgow instead.
Amanda Campbell, a friend of mine in the front row. She was trying not to laugh at me and Iveta |
Beautiful bagpipes |
One last thought though is that I'm not going to Isle of Skye. I'm vera disappointed on that but it can't be helped since that weekend will be better for a cheaper trip to Glasgow instead.
The last little bit of the anthem of Scotland... I love bag pipes! I just want to dance when I hear them.
13 November, 2010
Random November update
I'm sorry folks. It's been almost a week since I've posted. Well at least it has felt that long. I have kept meaning to get on and really I should not be on right now. I have some major work to do over here. That means it might be another week before I get in contact again. I've curtailed my traveling which is sad but I've seen so much and experienced so much I think I can afford the little bit. I wanna say that I'm at the point that I am not a tourist but I feel like I wont stop being that. What I'm trying to say is that while I have friends here, a life, and activities. I haven't invested everything in being in Scotland. At least I'm not counting down to the days before I go back to the states. I think of the moment and I think of what I can do to further my experience.
So I've also wrote down a few notes and they are random so bear with me.
2) I really don't like whispering. End of statement. It follows with the next point.
3) I have a vivid imagination. It sometimes worries me. I hear people whispering and then I imagine them talking about me. Also I've gotten to the point of checking my bed every night because I'm terrified to see spiders in it. I think I saw that in a movie once and now its become a paranoia. However, have you seen how big Aberdeen spiders are? The darn things are bloody huge! Even writing about them gives me chills. Of course having a imagination means I can have fun doing a lot of things. My passion of movies might be from this example but it's why I never watch horror movies (where did I see the spiders in the bed then?)
4) "Scotland is a nation with no state, thus the anthem (Flower of Scotland) has a line that is just false." --Archie Simpson (IR instructor)
5) Riddle me this (yeah a Riddler from Batman reference). How can I do my best thinking when I'm walking yet I can't just stop and write any of it down. This is actually my second time thinking this.
6) What to pack when coming to the UK
leggings and heavy tights... since they roll up and are light I suggest at least seven or eight. you might have to sometimes wear two layers since it gets nippy for those not used to the cold
only a few pair of jeans... when you want some covering. You can also find some in stores.
scarves 2 to start with... you can buy more here
shampoo and conditioner... it takes up space on the way here and then you can just leave it behind I would say medium sized bottles not the big ones or the small ones
a old set of sheets and a spare pillow case- it should be a set you can throw away after. don't buy a duvet or pillows from the campus store but find a Morrison's or a bedding store that sells them for cheaper.
you don't have to bring any pots, silverware, or cups. Find a Poundland and it would only be some £10 for all of this. Don't buy from campus.
long shirts that go over your leggings and tights.
zip-up sweaters (jumpers)... hoodies are worn but hoodies take up space in your bag and sweaters are lighter.
knickers and bras... who wants to buy those and get confused by the different size labels?
I would pack only two pairs of shoes... for Aberdeen I would not pack any heels because of all the cobbled stone streets its hard to get used to. Also you can buy more shoes here and they aren't that expensive if you look correctly.
You can bring your computer and many ways I wish I had brought it. However it gets me out of my room. There are computer labs that you can do a lot on (except Skype. Good thing my folks don't really understand it anyways.)
Well that's it... Well except that last night I went to see Burke and Hare (It's only £3.50 for students to see movies). We went to see Due Date. However, we couldn't get seats next to each other so we went to Burke and Hare. I'm so glad since I didn't want to see an American movie. The entire time during the indecision of what should we see, I was secretly going "Burke and Hare, Burke and Hare, Burke and Hare". They finally got my hints that it would be the best option to watch. I loved it! Well there were parts where I was like "ah no... eww... what the hell?" I laughed a lot though so it was all good. Iveta, Amanda, and Carrie didn't like it as much as I. Iveta was laughing at me more then at the show because of how into the movie I was. Oh and the cinema is awesome! It's like a theatre how it's set up with the best seats ever! I can't wait to see Harry Potter here.
09 November, 2010
I've written a few notes to talk about for the day.
This morning was my first french exam in class. We were given 20 minutes to hurriedly answer everything. It really wasn't that much and it would have been just as simple as I'm used to. However, there is one thing that I'm punishing myself for. It's one of those stupid mistakes you know but only once it's two late to do anything about it. "Nous Amions" or "we like" in french. I've done the conjugation of this verb so many times I should have it memorized. I know it. I was doubting myself as soon as I wrote it but this is what I put on my test "Nous Amieons"... Why Samantha? Why?
Maybe it was that I wasn't functioning so early in the morning. Maybe it was the fact it was rushed. It could be from not studying hard enough (though I wouldn't have studied this). Who knows why but I know there is going to be one point off on that test and there probably were a lot more different mistakes. Yippee! To follow the theme I've added this nice song in French that I am enjoying to no end.
then there is this one. I think I've already posted it but I can't remember. Je suis moi, which if I'm right, means I am me. I really like Shy'm...
On another note on my way to this torture of a test, it started to hail. It wasn't big hail or even hard. It also melted a half hour later. It seems though that Aberdeen is lucky on this front. I read in the news and apparently winter has come early for the UK. The highlands and some of eastern (?) England are having problems with the large amount of snow that came over night. Time to crack out the salt and shovels. I already bought some good winter boots so I'm all set on that front. I might need a hat... though I say that every year for in the UP but I never buy one.
Another note I wrote was that today I think I almost made my CE instructor cry. Well almost. He announces that next week there are no tutorials or lectures for next week. I couldn't stop my elated "yes". I love this class compared to the others but really I like breaks. He was laughing and said he didn't believe that I meant his class is bad. I had to smooth his hurt feelings before I actually left. You know I didn't like him at first because of how he falters through his speeches but he has become an okay professor. He is one of those nerdy professors with the thick glasses and follows shows like 'Merlin'. I can't be say anything on that since I like the same thing and I can't do the job either. Oh there was this other time in tutorial where he was offering a book for the class to read. Nobody needed it but he was just continually offering it for nearly three minutes. Finally I was like "I'll take it then". It was to just so we could get on with whatever complicated exercise he was making us go through. Everyone laughed, including him. I sometimes feel like I have become the class clown in this class.
One last note for today and then I'm on to actual work. I did a little grocery shopping so I can actually eat tomorrow. That's not the note though. What happened is that on my way back to my dorm room I have to go all around the building to the front door to get in. I was checking in the window if there was anyone I knew in the kitchen to let me in the fire exit. Well, I got caught by the porter. There was one girl from my hall but I changed my mind about asking her so I was turning around when the porter saw me. He was like "you know that you aren't supposed to go in that way". I was cranky and I didn't want to hear the lecture so I said "I know". Then he is like "then you know if we catch you we take away your id card and charge you £100". I didn't answer but kept walking around the dang building with him following me in his little car. Nothing happened and I went to have some dinner. What I should have said was "I was just debating if I wanted to scare my friend in the hall and that was all. I changed my mind though."
Besides the layout of the hall is crazy stupid. It's a big U with only one actual allowed exit at the center. Well fook that. They need to add a legit door at the back or they should realize they should allow people out their "fire exits". It's freaking inconvenient and bloody ridiculous. Now I'm cranky all over just talking about it. I really hate being threatened. The door slams on the way out anyways so there is no worries about it not shutting. I know since I continually exit through it. Like I said it's easier then going all the way around.
Well hope everyone enjoyed my little notes. I have realized I've not actually said how I am doing but I figure you might be able to notice from my mood of text. I've noticed I swear a lot more when I get agitated. But I also am finding that I love it here. Don't take my complaining wrong... I just can't stop myself.
This morning was my first french exam in class. We were given 20 minutes to hurriedly answer everything. It really wasn't that much and it would have been just as simple as I'm used to. However, there is one thing that I'm punishing myself for. It's one of those stupid mistakes you know but only once it's two late to do anything about it. "Nous Amions" or "we like" in french. I've done the conjugation of this verb so many times I should have it memorized. I know it. I was doubting myself as soon as I wrote it but this is what I put on my test "Nous Amieons"... Why Samantha? Why?
Maybe it was that I wasn't functioning so early in the morning. Maybe it was the fact it was rushed. It could be from not studying hard enough (though I wouldn't have studied this). Who knows why but I know there is going to be one point off on that test and there probably were a lot more different mistakes. Yippee! To follow the theme I've added this nice song in French that I am enjoying to no end.
then there is this one. I think I've already posted it but I can't remember. Je suis moi, which if I'm right, means I am me. I really like Shy'm...
On another note on my way to this torture of a test, it started to hail. It wasn't big hail or even hard. It also melted a half hour later. It seems though that Aberdeen is lucky on this front. I read in the news and apparently winter has come early for the UK. The highlands and some of eastern (?) England are having problems with the large amount of snow that came over night. Time to crack out the salt and shovels. I already bought some good winter boots so I'm all set on that front. I might need a hat... though I say that every year for in the UP but I never buy one.
Another note I wrote was that today I think I almost made my CE instructor cry. Well almost. He announces that next week there are no tutorials or lectures for next week. I couldn't stop my elated "yes". I love this class compared to the others but really I like breaks. He was laughing and said he didn't believe that I meant his class is bad. I had to smooth his hurt feelings before I actually left. You know I didn't like him at first because of how he falters through his speeches but he has become an okay professor. He is one of those nerdy professors with the thick glasses and follows shows like 'Merlin'. I can't be say anything on that since I like the same thing and I can't do the job either. Oh there was this other time in tutorial where he was offering a book for the class to read. Nobody needed it but he was just continually offering it for nearly three minutes. Finally I was like "I'll take it then". It was to just so we could get on with whatever complicated exercise he was making us go through. Everyone laughed, including him. I sometimes feel like I have become the class clown in this class.
One last note for today and then I'm on to actual work. I did a little grocery shopping so I can actually eat tomorrow. That's not the note though. What happened is that on my way back to my dorm room I have to go all around the building to the front door to get in. I was checking in the window if there was anyone I knew in the kitchen to let me in the fire exit. Well, I got caught by the porter. There was one girl from my hall but I changed my mind about asking her so I was turning around when the porter saw me. He was like "you know that you aren't supposed to go in that way". I was cranky and I didn't want to hear the lecture so I said "I know". Then he is like "then you know if we catch you we take away your id card and charge you £100". I didn't answer but kept walking around the dang building with him following me in his little car. Nothing happened and I went to have some dinner. What I should have said was "I was just debating if I wanted to scare my friend in the hall and that was all. I changed my mind though."
Besides the layout of the hall is crazy stupid. It's a big U with only one actual allowed exit at the center. Well fook that. They need to add a legit door at the back or they should realize they should allow people out their "fire exits". It's freaking inconvenient and bloody ridiculous. Now I'm cranky all over just talking about it. I really hate being threatened. The door slams on the way out anyways so there is no worries about it not shutting. I know since I continually exit through it. Like I said it's easier then going all the way around.
Well hope everyone enjoyed my little notes. I have realized I've not actually said how I am doing but I figure you might be able to notice from my mood of text. I've noticed I swear a lot more when I get agitated. But I also am finding that I love it here. Don't take my complaining wrong... I just can't stop myself.
08 November, 2010
Now I've posted a few pics. The one with the queen has a small story. The man asked me where I was from. I answered Michigan. He says "that's were M&M's from". I swear that's what I heard so it took me a bit to say "oh yeah Eminem is from Detroit". Which for this small time yooper is another city entirely for Michigan.
We finished the tour at a small brewery. There were four samples of beer we tried. I couldn't really taste a difference except that I liked the third on which was made with some special hop or no hop. I didn't hear. The fourth one was by far the best. That one had chili pepper added. The spicy after taste was by far the best beer I've ever had. Another small story; the German guy, Cornelius, I was talking to gave us a good laugh as we tried that last one. He was surprised that the "chili" beer was spicy. I was like (sarcastic) "that is usually what chili is". Then he is like, "I thought he said 'jelly'." Yep we laughed at that.
An Actor at the Wallace Monument |
If you ever come to Scotland. Stirling is one place you do not want to miss out on. I didn't see much but what I saw was enough for me to love it. The Wallace Monument was a hike up to the top but the view was worth it and there were other hikes that I wish i had time to explore but unfortunately not. A word of warning, there are 236 or 246 steps to the top of the Wallace Monument and it's winding staircase. I made at least 200 of them before both my fears of winding staricases and heights crippled me and I turned around. There were small rooms on the way up so I took breaks but it was too high up and I didn't feel safe. Dang it! Stupid fear. I hadn't known how many there were till I was that far up. For some silly reason I wasn't thinking there were that many.
Anyways the tour of Stirling castle is worth it. If you go after Easter next year there should be restored bedchamber in the castle part that you can see. It should be amazing. At least the hype is for it.
On a side note I loved hearing the history from the tour guide. It was great how I could compare what he was saying with what I knew of Scottish history. I love that most of it I already did know. I have been absorbing the information from the stories and history books I've read my entire life. Yeah for me!Now I've posted a few pics. The one with the queen has a small story. The man asked me where I was from. I answered Michigan. He says "that's were M&M's from". I swear that's what I heard so it took me a bit to say "oh yeah Eminem is from Detroit". Which for this small time yooper is another city entirely for Michigan.
We finished the tour at a small brewery. There were four samples of beer we tried. I couldn't really taste a difference except that I liked the third on which was made with some special hop or no hop. I didn't hear. The fourth one was by far the best. That one had chili pepper added. The spicy after taste was by far the best beer I've ever had. Another small story; the German guy, Cornelius, I was talking to gave us a good laugh as we tried that last one. He was surprised that the "chili" beer was spicy. I was like (sarcastic) "that is usually what chili is". Then he is like, "I thought he said 'jelly'." Yep we laughed at that.
From the base of Wallace Monument |
From the bottom of Wallace Monument hill |
Stirling Castle outer wall |
inside the courtyard |
Inside the great hall |
the view of Wallace Monument from Stirling Castle |
The queen and the guard of Stirling Castle |
Pumbkin Beer at a small brewery |
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