27 November, 2010


It will begin with pictures since I have no time tonight to type. I'm going out in ten minutes.

  I had time to do this Sunday but I didn't feel like it. I should really catch up now.

  This was another one of those trips with InterSoc. They only had one bus so it was a mad dash to get the  tickets the last Monday. It was well planned though. I think they got the hang of trips after the first few failures (here's your biscuit). The bus left at 7.45 in the morning. I knew that was going to cause some trouble for some students who got used to the 8.00 in the morning. Sure enough we had to wait an extra 10 minutes for two students who were late. That's not important though.


this is the fireplace I want

  This time I had a book that I borrowed from Lisa. It was A study of Scarlet. You had an expert from it in a prior post. I thought it was interesting. Unfortunately it wasn't long enough. There was two parts to it. I finished the first part on the way there and on the way back I finished the second part. I had plenty of time after finishing both parts that I was falling asleep. Dang it. Nearly made it.
  The first place we visited was the Kelvingrove Art Gallery and Museum in Glasgow. I loved it. It was free to the public as well so it's totally worth going if you get the chance. There was all kinds of exhibits for everyone. There were statues, paintings, cultural, and stuffed animals (or the technical word that I can't remember).

  After two hours in the museum we drove over to the cathedral and the necropolis (city of the dead... really). We were a little worried that we wouldn't get to see anything in the cathedral since a wedding was going on. There were kilts and a bagpipe! I'm ashamed that I took a picture of this random wedding, but it is worth it. To make it better at least I wasn't taking a picture of the actual ceremony. It was outside the doors as they were all lining up for the wedding. Random thing I noticed, the bride goes first not last.
  I would have loved spending more time in the cemetery. I wanted to walk all the way to the top at least but I was with other people and feet were cold. What are you wearing tennis shoes for in winter? Why am I complaining even? cut Anyways, I got some really good pictures and i wish I could show you them all. Of course I have so many photos of cemeteries you might be thinking I have a problem soon (I think I said that earlier).
  We still had some time so we checked out the city of Glasgow after this. I wanted to get to the mall that has (supposedly) the largest glass roof in Europe. That's what it said on the flyer. We couldn't really find it but we found another mall. They wouldn't let us take a picture inside. Let me say one thing... It was packed! Way too many people. I never could live in Glasgow. The amount of people on the street and in the mall was incredible.
  We spent some fifteen minutes getting food and on our way back we found a mini carnival. It would have been fun if we had more time to go on one of the rides but we ran out of time.

That's all there was. There were a few complaining that it would have been cheaper for them to buy a megabus ticket to see Glasgow and then be able to spend the entire night there. I prefer just going with InterSoc, where I don't have to really think on getting there and back. yeah I wish I would have been more free but I had a great time seeing everything. cut

My face is funny but I'm next to a painting

random statue... Glasgow is littered with them


necropolis (love my boots!)

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