I'm sorry folks. It's been almost a week since I've posted. Well at least it has felt that long. I have kept meaning to get on and really I should not be on right now. I have some major work to do over here. That means it might be another week before I get in contact again. I've curtailed my traveling which is sad but I've seen so much and experienced so much I think I can afford the little bit. I wanna say that I'm at the point that I am not a tourist but I feel like I wont stop being that. What I'm trying to say is that while I have friends here, a life, and activities. I haven't invested everything in being in Scotland. At least I'm not counting down to the days before I go back to the states. I think of the moment and I think of what I can do to further my experience.
So I've also wrote down a few notes and they are random so bear with me.
2) I really don't like whispering. End of statement. It follows with the next point.
3) I have a vivid imagination. It sometimes worries me. I hear people whispering and then I imagine them talking about me. Also I've gotten to the point of checking my bed every night because I'm terrified to see spiders in it. I think I saw that in a movie once and now its become a paranoia. However, have you seen how big Aberdeen spiders are? The darn things are bloody huge! Even writing about them gives me chills. Of course having a imagination means I can have fun doing a lot of things. My passion of movies might be from this example but it's why I never watch horror movies (where did I see the spiders in the bed then?)
4) "Scotland is a nation with no state, thus the anthem (Flower of Scotland) has a line that is just false." --Archie Simpson (IR instructor)
5) Riddle me this (yeah a Riddler from Batman reference). How can I do my best thinking when I'm walking yet I can't just stop and write any of it down. This is actually my second time thinking this.
6) What to pack when coming to the UK
leggings and heavy tights... since they roll up and are light I suggest at least seven or eight. you might have to sometimes wear two layers since it gets nippy for those not used to the cold
only a few pair of jeans... when you want some covering. You can also find some in stores.
scarves 2 to start with... you can buy more here
shampoo and conditioner... it takes up space on the way here and then you can just leave it behind I would say medium sized bottles not the big ones or the small ones
a old set of sheets and a spare pillow case- it should be a set you can throw away after. don't buy a duvet or pillows from the campus store but find a Morrison's or a bedding store that sells them for cheaper.
you don't have to bring any pots, silverware, or cups. Find a Poundland and it would only be some £10 for all of this. Don't buy from campus.
long shirts that go over your leggings and tights.
zip-up sweaters (jumpers)... hoodies are worn but hoodies take up space in your bag and sweaters are lighter.
knickers and bras... who wants to buy those and get confused by the different size labels?
I would pack only two pairs of shoes... for Aberdeen I would not pack any heels because of all the cobbled stone streets its hard to get used to. Also you can buy more shoes here and they aren't that expensive if you look correctly.
You can bring your computer and many ways I wish I had brought it. However it gets me out of my room. There are computer labs that you can do a lot on (except Skype. Good thing my folks don't really understand it anyways.)
Well that's it... Well except that last night I went to see Burke and Hare (It's only £3.50 for students to see movies). We went to see Due Date. However, we couldn't get seats next to each other so we went to Burke and Hare. I'm so glad since I didn't want to see an American movie. The entire time during the indecision of what should we see, I was secretly going "Burke and Hare, Burke and Hare, Burke and Hare". They finally got my hints that it would be the best option to watch. I loved it! Well there were parts where I was like "ah no... eww... what the hell?" I laughed a lot though so it was all good. Iveta, Amanda, and Carrie didn't like it as much as I. Iveta was laughing at me more then at the show because of how into the movie I was. Oh and the cinema is awesome! It's like a theatre how it's set up with the best seats ever! I can't wait to see Harry Potter here.
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