01 December, 2010

Snow, Snow!

I'm not about to complain about snow. I've lived with it my entire life. However, if this mind-bogging sight cancels 30 seconds to Mars concert or my friend can't come up from Newcastle. I might have a different mind set. Read the following link to see what is being put up with in the UK (in Aberdeen it's a lot less to deal with. Apparently this is surprising.)

Why couldn't I have classes canceled this week? I mean RGU, the other university in Aberdeen had snowdays so why didn't we? Or the other way around, why couldn't they go to class. I have mixed feelings on the fact that there is less snow here that there would be a snow day for Aberdeen Uni. 30 Seconds to Mars better be coming still. Better yet my B should be coming. Miss her bunches... plus she has my tickets :P She knows I appreciate her.


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