26 October, 2010


So go ahead and check back to Stonehaven Post. I finally finished it. I am still behind since I've not filled you all in on what happened in St. Andrews. I apologize. I also had some notes that I was going to type up but I changed my mind. I feel like one post a day is going to be my absolute maximum. If that's the case you are all going to be getting these little limbo messages. There is one easy thing I can do and that is to attach the slide notes that came from my International Security. This was the best class ever. I learned a lot or maybe vera little but at least I had more of the English background coming out. The topic was on nationalism and how it's a political idea. What better then the United States Anthem being required for young children to sing in schools. That is the best example and it was used by the professor. This is the one who has snappy comments of Americans. For instance how he started with the example of the US Anthem it was @when we think of the United States of America, and we do sometimes think of America". Besided the point so here is the slide;
British traditions
Sense of ‘fair play’
Supporting the underdog
Sense of humour
Respect of the law
Lack of corruption in public offices
Loyalty to the Crown?
Christian/protestant....Church of England...Church of Scotland
Strong institutions
The government
The armed forces
The Crown
The Church
The Universities? Uni of Aberdeen has been around for 500 years
So that was it. I have little notes. It's something to think about. Can you answer any of these? Though some of these were just hilarious how he talked about them. Like the respect of law. Right! Oh and I've also attached a photo that a friend Audrey took of UnionSquare. The bus station, train station, shops and restaurants are all here. It's an amazing place if an hours walk away.

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